Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Part 3: The Serpent

Yes, it's been, like, forever. So why don't we jump right into Part 3 of the adventures of Zenith Whytheblanc as he prepares to find out the truth about the strange young girl.

Before you read Part 3...

Part 1: The Storm
Part 2: Zenith

          The door creaked open. Zenith stepped inside, glancing carefully about him. The shed seemed to be constructed of corrugated iron. Wet straw was strewn across the floor. The air was musty. A ray of early sunshine slanted in through the window. Dawn was breaking. He kicked the wet straw against the wall, until it formed a sort of bed. Then he went back outside and hurriedly picked up the young girl and carried her inside, closing the door behind him. As gently as possible, he lay the girl on the bed. Whirrrr... Zenith took a startled step back. He heard it again. Whirrrr... He gazed about him, searching for its source. Then he saw it. The girl's eyes were glowing a startling shade of green. Her body was surrounded by a strange mist, tinged with aquamarine. Zenith took a step back. Another step. Another step. He stretched his arms out behind him, his gaze never straying from the possessed maiden. He felt something cold and wet. It was the wall. Dropping his hands to his sides, Zenith slid to the ground. Pressing himself against the wall, he stared, petrified, as the young girl began to twist and writhe. He whimpered like a baby as he watched with wide eyes. Then suddenly everything stopped. The whirring noises, the greenish glowing, the writhing. Zenith remanied still, apprehensive and afraid. Zenith remained still. A minute passed. Two minutes. Three. Zenith took a deep breath, and slowly began inching towards the body. He crawled on all fours until he reached her body. Then he slowly stood up. Zenith struggled to see through the magical mist that surrounded her. As the mist cleared, he saw the girl's wound. But it wasn't a wound anymore. To Zenith, it looked like a sort of a nest -- a shallow indentation that didn't seem to be solid. It was more like a ripple, or half a bubble. Zenith couldn't figure out what it was, but whatever it was, it wasn't earthly. And what lay in that "nest" surprised Zenith the most. It was a snake. It slithered throught the wet straw and began to coil around Zenith's ankles.


Next time: Zenith finally gets to know the truth about the girl, but so many more questions remain unanswered.

Picture credit: http://www.polyvore.com/cgi/img-thing?.out=jpg&size=l&tid=9107879

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