1. Let's pretend you are walking to class and you see someone drop their books everywhere and awkwardly bend over to pick them up. The group of popular girls is snickering a few feet away. What do you do?
A) Laugh along with the other girls and hope they will like you better
B) Look away and pretend nothing happened
C) Help the person with their books
D) Tell your friend and ask them to go help the person
2. You are browsing your social networking sites when you come across an embarrassing picture of this boy you don't like. It's been posted by your best friend. What do you do?
A) Hit "Like"
B) Scroll past it
C) Tell an adult
D) Delete it from your feed
3. You are browsing the Internet and you come across this random blog. You notice that it has a page where you can submit information that goes straight to the blog author. What do you do?
A) Type in an alias and write some insulting things about their blog
B) Go back to browsing
C) Leave a kind message for the author
D) Submit your honest opinion, even if it isn't necessarily a good opinion
Be honest with yourself!
If you chose mostly A's :
You should probably rethink your response to the irresponsibility and indifference certain people show towards others. Even if they are your friends or family members, they will thank you in the long run when they become better people. Being a good friend is also about helping the other person be and feel their best.
If you chose mostly B's :
You tend to ignore things. You may or may not know that they are wrong, but you decide that it's not your problem. Next time think about how you might feel if you were in an embarrassing or tough situation and someone ignored you.
If you chose mostly C's :
You know what to do when you see someone in trouble. You are compassionate, and you realize that nothing good comes out of malice, anger, and hate. Keep up the good work!
If you chose mostly D's :
You have a pretty good idea of what the right thing to do is, but you just don't do it exactly the right way. Maybe you feel that helping someone is a waste of time, but you still want to help them. So to avoid feeling guilt, you ask someone else to do it, or you delete the photo, etc. Or Maybe you're just not sure how to help out and don't want to embarrass yourself.
Remember, these don't necessarily describe you, but you should have a pretty good idea of the level of kindness you are showing others. Nobody is perfect, but there's definitely room for improvement.
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