Monday, July 13, 2015

Introducing SoapsByRiya!

This post explains what inspired me to open SoapsByRiya, and why you should be buying natural skincare products rather than drugstore brands.

So...I already posted on Google+ about this, but I just wanted to draw your attention to the Etsy widget I added to my blog. You can see it under my profile on the sidebar. Look to the right of the page. Yeah.

Basically I started this shop to share my new-found love of handmade soaps and lip balms with other people. I just think they make adorable gifts, but they're still a nice change from drugstore products. I try to make sure all my soap bars are sulfate-free (if they're not, it will say so in the description).

Sodium lauryl sulfate (sulfate for short) is a chemical found in many soaps, shampoos, and conditioners you can buy at most drugstores or grocery stores. It is added to create lather, which is the foam that comes off the soap bar when you use it. However, it isn't good for your skin, neither is it good for the environment when it goes down the drain. For this reason, it's better to buy handmade or sulfate-free soaps.

Any colorants added to soaps are free of irritants, chemicals, and additives. Natural color is used whenever possible. Lip balms I sell are not colored. Any color present comes from the pure essential oil that is added. Essential oil comes directly from a fruit, herb, or plant. No fake stuff. All my soaps are non-toxic, but please, don't eat them. It's just not a good idea.

Some soap bars, such as the Lavender Soap Bar (see image below), contain real herbs. These herbs are not preserved or altered in anyway from their natural state.

Please check it out at Etsy - SoapsByRiya.

NOTE: My mom is the legal owner of the shop and helps me out from time to time, but I create and photograph all the products you see in my shop.

Like, comment, and share if you like what you see!

Feedback and constructive criticism is definitely appreciated and encouraged! :) 

Lavender Soap Bar

Lavender and Peppermint Body Bar

Friday, July 3, 2015

The Extrovert's Guide To Introverts

The idea for this post did not spring from a specific occurrence, but rather multiple events since I was really little kid that brought me to the conclusion that some people maybe just need a bit of guidance. Just a little bit.

So here's a list of do's and don'ts to put you on the right track to understanding and fostering friendships with introverts.


  • If you think we're feeling sad/upset, ask us how we're doing. We'll probably respond, "Fine." Proceed to give us a hug and tell us everything will be alright. (Note: If you are the cause of our "anguish", then apologize first! Duh...)
  • Invite us to parties and other events. Even if we don't come, we'll feel included.
  • If you like something we're wearing, or maybe the way we did something differently, compliment it. You'll be on our good side, and it'll boost our self-esteem.
  • Introduce us to all your friends. We're too shy to do that on our own.
  • Come and talk to us! Most of us are really interesting if you give us a chance. The quietest people have the loudest minds...


  • If we are reading a book, we clearly do not want to talk to you. Don't ask us what we're reading and then proceed to spoil the ending. It's rude.
  • Not all babies are extroverts. Don't touch them with dirty hands, and don't make scary faces and loud noises at them. They will not always like it.
  • Don't comment on something we wore or did just because it's not something you would have worn or done. We're probably trying really hard to "fit in", and you're making it harder.
  • Don't assume things when we snap at you or grumble at you. We're probably just having a bad day. Leave us alone. Or, even better, say, "Okay, I get it," smile, and walk away.
  • Don't decide not to invite us to things just because you think it's not "our thing". We feel super left out, paranoid, and like everyone is hanging out without us.
  • Don't judge us. And don't even bother arguing about whether we are actually introverts, just shy, or passive-aggressive. We won't respond to you.
  • Don't jump to conclusions about us. We're all different and unique. We're not antisocial. We're just a little on the shy side.
But most of all, just be nice to us. We can be really supportive and loyal if we feel like it. Be patient, and we'll be your friends. Oh, yeah. And everybody loves to talk about themselves. So ask questions, and we'll probably open up to you in no time.

YAY! Now using your new-found knowledge, go make some new friends!